The year that was: 2024

Nothing I write is ever very good or eloquent, so: given that I was up until around 3am after a long day of celebrating with friends, this is probably going to be even worse than normal.

That wasn’t an apology, just a warning.

When I opened my laptop a year ago to write about the year that was, and note down anything I wanted to change for 2024, I realized it was the first time – ever – that I didn’t really want to change much at all.

Sitting in the same spot today, another year later, I feel the same way again. I think that’s because I achieved what I set out to do: I spent 2024 making my health a priority, like I did in 2023.

For me, health isn’t just eating well and exercising – it’s also consciously resting, mindfulness, putting more effort into relationships, and figuring out where (and how) to spend my physical and emotional energy. It’s ruthlessly guarding my work/life balance, being in a constant state of self-examination, facing hard truths about myself, and constantly trying to be a better friend, family member, neighbor, and partner.

I will say this, though: eating well and staying physically strong feels like a cheat code for making all of those other things a lot easier to manage.

When I say I feel like I’ve found a formula that works for me, I don’t mean to say I’ve got life all figured out, because I don’t. I don’t think I ever will, and I’m cool with that. I’m here for the ride, not the destination.

What I’m trying to say is that making my health a priority certainly seems to make the ride a hell of a lot easier. And way more fun.

Six wonderful people drove out to spend New Year’s Eve with us. I have a vulnerability hangover from our tipsy chats around the fire pit, but that’s normal for me. I’m learning to accept that feeling.

It was the last time hosting people in this house. The last time sitting outside around the fire pit, looking at the night sky. The last time putting up the shade sail to protect us from the late afternoon sun on that deck. The last time eating pizza in that dining room. The last full month in this home…

…and so on.

So how was 2024?

I turned 40 surrounded by family and friends. Jesse and I celebrated 12 years together, and our 11th wedding anniversary. We visited SF. We traded in our big, sensible car for a small, fun car. We sold our first home, and bought our next one. We ate well and kept as active as we could. We spent quality time with people we love.

I’m grateful for 2024. It was big, but good big.

The last couple of months have been intense, and the next month is going to get even more intense. I’m nervous, but present. We’re going to be fine. And the stress will be worth it.

What do I hope for 2025?

More of what I had in 2024: good food, physical strength, and to deepen my relationships with family and friends by being more physically accessible. I want to continue to recognize how lucky I am, every minute of every day. Once we move, I’m hoping we can relax a bit, settle in, and have a quiet, cosy winter in our new home.

Happy new year.